Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Still Going Strong

I think I'm officially back in the groove. Got a systematic pattern going here. Every morning, I hit the gym. Do 20 minutes of cardio (treadmill one day, elliptical the next - so I don't kill my feet/shins). After that, some weights - and I'm feeling good. The initial soreness has worn off, so I'm in the groove and craving it in the mornings now. Watch out ladies, the next time you see me, I'll be at least 2 pounds lighter!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Random beach scenes for motivational purposes

Hello from Coronado Beach! Thought I would post a random beach scenes taken with my Nikon D50 yesterday, to motivate the end of summer for the East coast when it seems as though it is summer year round in this area.... but nice to be on the beach and enjoying the weather as we "honeymoon" each day - - new experiences and enjoying each other.

Random picture of the girls with no fat and Cheezits I am posting here for you all where the hidden message is - - "don't indulge all the time, but allow an occasional treat" (everyone does it - even the "skinny minnies" as my mom used to say), so you don't "go off the wagon" and go crazy if not dieting... I love the saying "die with a T - that is a diet...

Well that is it for now - - I am getting lots of exercise out here with all this time on my hands (because I am not on the computer), officially starting my training for the Nike Woman's marathon - coming up October 19. Rollerblading and even hit the gym after reading Jeff's post - - I can do flys at 30 lbs in each hand... not bad for a girl. : )

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My first attempt at blogging. This cartoon is how I am feeling today. I have been trying really hard to lose the weight that I have gained but the loss has slowed way down. Somehow need a boost so that it will kick into high gear again. I have been running every day and have gotten to the point where I am afraid to skip a day for fear my weight will go back up again. Finally made myself skip today so that I can run farther tomorrow.. Help.. how do I get my weight going down again?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Back in the Gym

Hopefully, I'll be able to lift my arms when I wake up tomorrow morning. That's right, it was back to the gym for the first real workout since becoming a dad (Dec. 2007). Ironically, I am not the heaviest I've ever been, though. But pretty darn close.

Fresh off of my return from the collegiate summit (where I actually didn't eat too badly), I started my morning with a trip to the gym and hit the elliptical. While I'd prefer to be on the treadmill, I decided to go with the elliptical because of the pain I get after running. I'd much prefer to run (as in my experience, it burns much more calories per minute than the elliptical), but it kills my shins. Am I running wrong? Nancy, Judy, you're both runners. Why do my shins and the bottoms of my feet hurt so much after running? Is it because there's sooo much weight crashing down on them with each step that I take? Please help, b/c I hate the elliptcal.

After 20 minutes of cardio, it was back to the free weights. Don't forget to do some weight training because it tones you, as well as burns cals and fat, and it builds muscle and makes your body more efficient.

The best part about today's workout? The Saints/Texans re-play was I got to watch it b/c I missed it Saturday night while in Atlanta.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Creature of Habit

The biggest challenge for me is to GET MOVING! I have been doing really well on the treadmill these past few weeks, but I still don't look forward to it and it hasn't become part of my daily routine. While remaining flexible sounds like a good idea, I know that for me, what works best is to have a routine and stick to it. I need to decide if mornings or evenings are a better fit and just make it happen. I know there are some of you who enjoy physical activity...I'm trying to get there, but first I need to push myself. The treadmill is ideal because I don't even have to leave the house and it's right in front of the tv! I'd like to hear from you - ideas or suggestions on making exercise part of your daily routine - what works for you?

Walk on!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

What are your tricks?

I'm about to pack up my laptop and head off for Atlanta for the Collegiate Summit. Part of my ritual has become packing a couple of things like Fiber One bars that I can have on hand in a hotel so I don't eat ALL the typical hotel food.

What are your tricks and trips for eating right while you travel? Since starting Sonoma, one big change is that I'm trying to keep with the same habits I have at home. For me, that's not as intuitive as it sounds! I am not a big breakfast eater, so I have been trying to eat better when faced with the breakfast smorgasbord at a hotel. I've also try to remember that it's not NORMAL to encounter dessert-type-items at every single meal. Or trip to the bathroom for that matter. (Seriously. Don't you feel like cookies appear every time you take a trip to a restroom at a meeting? Who DOES THAT?)

I'm going to be surrounded by skinny college kids for four days, people. Share your tips and inspire me!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A little motivation from Charlie Brown and friends

OK I love Peanuts and with all my experience in the weight loss arena (no pun intended) - here is a post to keep us all "in the game".

Keep your eye on the ball, don't give up! Know that you can be the best you can be and stay positive.

I have posted the Optimist Creed on my blog and it is a great reminder of keeping that smile on your face. If you want it bad enough, you can achieve anything!

From "Coach" Nancy

Soup weather

It's been ridiculously cool up here in New Jersey for a few days now. Between 70-degree temperatures and back-to-school sale ads during the Olympics, I'm in the mood for soup. I found a recipe I'm going to try, so I thought I'd share with all of you...

Spicy Lentil Chili
Serves: 6

1 cups red lentils
4 cups + 2 Tbsp water, divided
2 Tbsp butter
1/2 cup onion, diced small
1/4 cup (about 1 stalk) celery, diced small
2 Tbsp garlic, chopped
1 medium (about 1/2 lb) tomato, cored and diced medium (1 cup)
2 cups vegetable broth
1 Tbsp Tabasco Sauce
1/8 tsp turmeric
1/8 tsp cumin
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/8 tsp chili powder
2 Tbsp corn starch
1/4 cup finely diced green bell pepper

Bring lentils and 2 cups water to boil on HIGH heat; turn off heat. Remove half lentils and liquid; place in food processor or blender and puree, about 1 min.

Melt butter in soup pot. Add onions and sweat(soften without browning)2 min. Add celery and garlic; sweat 5 more min. Add tomatoes; cook 5 min.

Add vegetable broth, 2 cups water and seasonings. Bring to simmer.

Add reserved whole and pureed lentils plus liquid, and cook until lentils are tender, about 15 min.

Combine cornstarch and 2 Tbsp water to make a slurry. Bring soup to boil; add slurry and stir 30 seconds to thicken slightly. Turn off heat; add green peppers. Season with salt.

Calories 226; Fat 6g; Fiber 12g; Protein 12g;

Monday, August 11, 2008

Greatest Relay ever?

I have to start today by saying that the news keeps distracting me when anchors announce that the GREATEST RELAY EVER was held in Beijing last night. I beg to differ. ;-)

I went to a craft show this weekend and saw a sign that had a quote on it that I wanted to share. I love quotes and was drawn to this one for other reasons, but the more I thought about it, the better I thought it was for thinking about staying on track with a diet.

Here it is...

"Having it all doesn't necessarily mean having it all at the same time."

I think that's a good thing to keep in mind when your willpower takes a vacation. It's also good to remember that is IS ok to have small tastes of something every now and then. It's just the difference between eating a reasonable taste or portion and throwing caution to the wind and diving face first into the cake. Not that I've ever done that.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Cartoon Inspiration

I don't know about you, but the getting myself on the treadmill part of this whole diet situation is the hardest part of it all for me. I'm always happier when I do it, but I can resist sugar far more easily than I can make myself put on walking shoes.

I do know one thing about myself. I'm stubborn. Surprised? Well, the good part of that charming personality trait is that once I start something, I hate giving up. So... I'm going to try making myself walk every single day (no days off to break the momentum!) I'll use this as my own little challenge to see how long I can go.

What will you challenge yourself to do?? Leave some comments, people!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fun Recipe

Good morning, BU!

I've used a website for new recipes that you might want to check out. It's called (ready, Jeff and Marty?!) has forum sections for several different popular diets (ie Weight Watchers and Sonoma, among others) and there's a great area for user-posted recipes.

Here's one I found this morning that I'm going to try for a dessert party (what possessed me to host THAT?!) on Friday night.

Fruit Kebabs
Makes 4 servings

1 green apple
½ a canteloupe melon
½ of a pineapple
1 pint strawberries
Kebab/satay sticks
Juice from 1/2 a lemon
Fat free chocolate sauce or fat free yogurt (optional)


Wash all of the fruit and pat dry. Cut fruit into bite-sized pieces and then brush with the lemon juice. Thread the fruit in alternating layers onto the kebab sticks. Serve on a plate and drizzle with fat-free chocolate sauce or fat free yogurt.

Nutritional Information per kebab: Calories 24; Fat: 0g; Dietary Fiber: 0 WW: 0.5 Points

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


In an effort to make up for my lack of motivational prowess leading up to the Summit, I wanted to create a sort of virtual "water cooler" for us to gather around while taking part in our BU weight loss challenge.

I'll do my best to post any motivational stuff I can find, including recipes, that can help us stick to our individual plans. I have heard of using white dresses and milestone birthdays as motivation from our group. I'm using the arrival of a new little one to (try to) stay on track.

So this actually turns out to be a group activity and not another blog for me to play with... Let me know if you want to be added as a blog author. It's super-easy to post here and I'm having to give quick blogger lessons to anyone who needs one. It would be great if we could all leave occasional comments, too, to keep each other motivated.

To get the ball rolling... Leave a comment if you're joining the team that's working our BUtts off (thanks to Jeff for the clever tagline!) and maybe let us know what your reason for participating is. I'd say let us know your goal, but I want to be sure we're all clear that we're not talking numbers here. Goodness knows I don't want to share THAT much!

P.S. My apologies for that random pic of Sam off to the right. I didn't realize that setting up this blog under my gmail account would link it to my profile. I can't get rid of that box on the blog, but I figure he's cute enough that maybe you all wouldn't mind his face there. ;-)